Susan Williams and Tena Potts: she-roes won't give up the fight against factory farms

When Cooper County neighbors heard that a Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) had requested licensing in their community, a citizens' group was quickly formed. The county's Health Board (consisting of elected representatives interested in community health) passed a Health Ordinance demanding that CAFOs follow the same rules and carry the same liabilities as ordinary farms rather than the special no-liability set of non-rules that Missouri lawmakers have allowed. This podcast traces the history of the group, which will carry its arguments all the way to the Missouri Supreme Court.
Susan Williams and Tena Potts are leaders in their Cooper County community. They have been fighting against corporate power that seeks to take over Cooper County's clean air, water and land to place a Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) in their midst.  The outrage prompted passage of a Health Ordinance for the county which simply demands that CAFOs follow the same rules as ordinary farmers with small numbers of animals. It was a triumph when MIssouri's Clean Water Commission agreed with the county, but lawmakers shut the door on that possibility by allowing the governor to change the makeup of the Commission so that more Big Ag flaks could join. Next, the CWC replaced citizen representatives with industry insiders and reversed the decision. The case has been accepted for a hearing by the Supreme Court.